Access to all new videos (new materials are regularly added to the platform).All training videos, including Fedor’s full MTT course and Steffen’s Cash Game Area.There is just one membership type that will give you access to all the content on the platform, including:
When you decide to sign up, the good news is that Pokercode keeps things simple and straightforward.
More importantly, it will give you a good taste of what to expect as a full member. This alone can help you significantly improve your game. The ability to join free coaching sessions held by Fedor and other coaches is certainly a pretty big deal for a completely free membership. The free option may not be as comprehensive as the paid one, but it will give you access to the following: Even though they know they’ll be getting access to the knowledge of some of the best in the game, people are hesitant to pay money for the proverbial “cat in a bag.”įedor and the team behind Pokercode have found a great way to address these concerns by offering everyone access to a completely free membership. One of the biggest hurdles most players have with poker coaching is the fact you have to pay money to get access. Pokercode structure and innovative approach